Artist Statement


I am a dance/ theater artist. My work is immersed in non-linear streams of consciousness

and natural landscapes that highlight humanity’s interdependence with the earth. My choreography tends to be splashed

with strange scenery and subtle contradictions: bodies forming objects, bodies resisting objectification. It is intended for

anyone who celebrates, and suffers from, the human condition.

Performance to me is the internal landscape, embodied. We come to watch another, and also, to

see ourselves. It is a space to recall what is spoken, and spoken, that we no longer hear. A means

to share the unspeakable, too. The head is a crowded house of thoughts. The moving body

illuminates forgotten rooms. The body wants, at least a little, to be understood. I believe that

through abstraction, we are able to lower our guard and reveal our core.

As my choreography shifts between site-specificity, screendance, and theatrical stage

performances, I remain loyal to honesty, oddity, wonder, and the sensations that

remind us we are connected.